Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

What is premature ejaculation?

When a man climaxes sooner than he or his partner wishes to, it can lead to frustration and anxiety and is known as premature ejaculation (PE). From being anxious about ejaculating early or too stimulated, having a sensitive penis to being nervous about the new partner, there can be a lot of reasons which can lead to premature ejaculation.

This sexual dysfunction generally occurs if you are experiencing excessive anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalance or an injury. Studies show that 1 out of 3 men may suffer from this condition at some point in their life. While most men do not visit urologists to discuss these problems, this disorder is treatable. Treatments for premature ejaculation include medication, some natural remedies and sexual techniques. In most cases, a combination of therapies works well.

Here are 10 home remedies that will help you get rid of the problem of premature ejaculation.

1. Green Onion

Seeds of green onions are aphrodisiac and so they help in decreasing premature ejaculation in men. These seeds increase a person’s stamina and strength, thus allowing him to prolong his sexual capacity. To use this remedy, just crush the seeds and mix them with water. Drink this remedy 3 times a day before your meal. White onions can also help in extending your sexual capacity and strengthening your reproductive organs.

2. Ashwagandha

This medicinal Indian herb is an effective remedy to treat sexual problems in men. Ashwagandha improves your brain power and also increases libido in the body. This allows men to better control their ejaculation and prolong their sexual intercourse. The herb increases stamina, and it is also effective in treating erectile dysfunction.

3. Ginger and Honey

Eating ginger increases blood circulation in our body and it specifically increases blood flow to the penile muscles. This gives men greater control to ejaculate. Ginger is also helpful in retaining the erection as it heats up the body, causing faster blood flow. Honey is an aphrodisiac of strength and this can enhance the potency of ginger. The best way to consume this remedy is to mix half a teaspoon of ginger with honey and eat it before bedtime.

4. Garlic

Garlic has aphrodisiac properties and it can aid you in elongating the duration of your intercourse without ejaculating prematurely. Cloves of this anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory plant improve blood circulation in your body and also heat it up to enhance copulation. You can chew the cloves or fry them in ghee and then eat them every morning, on an empty stomach.

5. Asparagus

Roots of this plant greatly benefit in avoiding premature ejaculation. You can boil the plant roots in milk and drink it twice every day to strengthen your control over the penile muscles.

6. Balanced diet

You should kick foods like chocolate, chillies and caffeinated beverages out of your diet to control this sexual dysfunction. Your diet should be rich in Zinc, Selenium, Calcium and Iron for better control and strength. High carbohydrate and low protein food is also good to release serotonin and ease anxiety.

7. Lady finger

Lady finger is also an effective remedy for premature ejaculation. You can include this vegetable in your everyday diet or consume its powder. This powder can be consumed in regular basis.

8. Carrots

Carrots are more than just a tasty vegetable. This can be used to treat premature ejaculation quickly. Carrots have a libido-improving quality that can greatly help you control your ejaculation. For best results, eat boiled carrots with egg and honey regularly.

9. Cinnamon Bark

Some may not realize that cinnamon bark is commonly used in a wide range of different alternative medicine treatments. This bark can be used to spice up drinks or to add a flavorful twist to many different dishes. The sheet versatility of the bark has helped it gain recognition among different alternative medicine proponents. Individuals are increasingly reporting that cinnamon bark has been used to treat the effects of premature ejaculation. Since cinnamon bark is readily available, users can feel free to try out this option for themselves. People will want to look for authentic cinnamon bark, since this will increase the chances that it will control premature ejaculation.

10. Clove

Though not specifically a food, clove has been used to spice up a few different types of dishes. It can also be used to brew a particularly delicious tea. Clove tea has been used for generations and has built on its reputation in some important ways. But now there is some anecdotal evidence that suggests cloves can help with premature ejaculation. This will give another useful tool for men who want to improve on their sexual health.


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