Essential Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Your Libido

Boost Your Libido

What you eat plays a vital role in determining how strong or weak your sex drive could be.

If you’ve been worried sick about your waning libido, you are probably looking at the wrong place for a cure. It could be as simple as what you put on your plate. A number of studies suggest that your diet plays a big role in determining how strong your libido is. Yes, you read it right: Having the right food can improve your sex drive.

“Low libido can lead to many problems in a marriage. It is very important that your diet includes enough vitamins and minerals that help boost your libido. Vitamin A, E and calcium, for example, are good sources to boost your sex drive,” say nutritionists.

Based on study results, here is a list of 10 essential vitamins and minerals that are proven to enhance libido.

Vitamin A: Essential for producing testosterone, the sex hormones, Vitamin A is found in eggs, milk, meat, orange or yellow fruits, and vegetables. Vitamin A is essential for both male and female sex hormone production. Even for the normal reproductive cycle in women, it is essential to have it adequately. For men, Vitamin A is vital to sperm production and virility.

Magnesium: Adequate quantity of magnesium aids in getting good sleep. It is also essential for sex drive. Nuts, seeds, eggs, whole grains, brown rice and dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of magnesium.

Vitamin C: Although vitamin C is more popular for curing common cold, it can also boost your sex life. Citrus fruits and vegetables are a good source of Vitamin C.

Selenium: Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium: A single piece daily is enough to have a marked improvement in your libido. It is also found in broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, whole grains and seafood.

Zinc: Present in pulses, whole grains, eggs, sea food, red meat and cheese, zinc is an essential mineral for your overall health as well. Lack of zinc may contribute to sterility or infertility. A deficiency of zinc, however, does not lead to lack of sexual desire.

Vitamin E: Important for stamina and energy, Vitamin E is also good for good blood circulation. You can get it in oily fish, eggs and dairy products. It is also called ‘sex vitamin’ because it increases blood flow and oxygen to your genitalia.

B vitamins: B vitamins can be found in brown rice, seafood, green leafy vegetables, meat and wholegrain bread. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may contribute to lack of pleasure at the time of climax.

Iron: Iron is critical for maintaining the level of your sexual arousal. It can be found in red meat, egg yolk, green vegetables and dry fruits. Anaemia could be one of the causes for lack of sexual desire and also quality of erection. Iron deficiency could also contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus can be found in dairy products, whole grains, eggs, fish and soya beans.

Calcium: Calcium is good for the bones, but it is also good for your sexual health. Milk, yogurt, oranges, bread and cheese are some good sources of calcium. A deficiency in calcium could hamper coherence. It can also sometimes increase irritability. Any change that is affecting your well-being due to calcium deficiency will automatically decrease the desire for sex drive.


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