Best Herbs for Women’s Health and Wellness

Herbs for Women

Natural herbs have been widely used around the world for thousands of years to restore the body and replenish vitality. Several herbs are specifically supportive of women’s health, providing benefits such as increased libido, steady energy levels, hormonal balancing, pain relief, and elevated mood.

From childhood to the senior citizen stage, a woman’s body goes through several changes, each accompanied by a hormonal transition. These include the onset of puberty, menses, childbearing years, and then menopause.

Here are a few of our favourite herbs for healing and support through all stages of womanhood. 

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): Used in Ayurveda, this beautiful herb for women as it is supportive through all phases of womanhood. It helps to balance sluggish menstruation or a heavy flow. It also works as an aphrodisiac and a sexual tonic by elevating testosterone levels, and helps to lubricate the vagina when there is vaginal dryness during menopause or low sexual desire.

Shatavari also increases fertility and breast milk production. It elevates estrogen levels, helping to balance hormones during menopause when estrogen is low.

Take as in capsule or powder form.

Ashoka (Saraca Indica): Ashoka is helpful in various gynaecological issues such as painful menses, heavy flow, water retention and swelling. It clears acne, improves the complexion and cleans the digestive system. Take as liquid, tablet, or powder.

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica): With its sour, bitter, astringent taste, amla or the Indian gooseberry is a multipurpose herb. It is rejuvenating and hence the main ingredient in Chyawanprash. Use amla both externally and internally for healthy, glowing skin, healthy long hair, anaemia, indigestion, weak eyesight and obesity. Take it as a dried fruit, juice, tablets or churan.

Fenugreek (Methi): A rich source of vitamins C, beta-carotene and vitamin B, fenugreek maintains blood glucose levels and aids in the optimal production of breast milk. It is a natural painkiller and reduces abdominal cramps and joint pain. Mix with curd and use as a paste if suffering hair fall or an itchy scalp. Mix with hot mustard oil and apply on joint pains. Use as a seed, powder, or paste.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): An Ayurvedic adaptogen, Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress levels, which is a leading cause of age-related health conditions. It works on the central nervous system and the adrenals to reduce cortisol levels, which is our main stress-inducing hormone. It helps to increase blood flow and reduce tension, increasing libido.

Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurveda as a fertility support and as a replacement to HRT during menopause.

Benefit from the natural, healing properties of herbs to support your journey through womanhood. Plants provide incredible curative and medicinal uses. Try them out and experience the powerful effects.

Note: Consult with a nutrition practitioner or herbalist prior to taking or combining herbs.

We recommend Kerala Ayurveda Asokarishtam, an Ayurvedic uterine tonic that can be used to help in the well being of women and Himalaya Ashwagandha Tablets for general wellness, rejuvenate mind & body.


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