Ayurvedic Herbs That Can Cure Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, also termed impotence, refers to the inability to obtain or maintain an erection that is firm enough or lasts long enough to have satisfactory sexual intercourse. The problem affects almost all men at one time or another in their lives and is emerging as one of the most serious life style and stress related diseases. While erectile dysfunction often devastates those affected by it, out of fear, embarrassment, or countless other reasons, few men seek treatment. Over exertion, physiological disturbances, lowered level of hormones and strained relationship with partner are the main causes for this disease.

However, the problem is almost always treatable. It has definite physical and/or psychological causes. It is not a “natural” consequence of aging nor is it “all in your head.” Most importantly, erectile dysfunction is not a condition you should accept or learn to live with. Most men who seek help benefit from treatment.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Some males will not be able to achieve an erection with full sexual desire or even with any stimuli from their partner. There are several physiological and psychological causes for this erectile dysfunction and various Ayurvedic medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Ayurveda identifies the cause of every individual and treats according it.

ED is known as Klaibya in Ayurveda. Ayurveda believes that it occur due to chronic unhealthy dietary and life-style routines (physical and physiological).

These include excess use of sour, heavy, dry and salty foods. Moreover, consumption of incompatible foods and refined foods can also lead to the erection problems.

Healthy mind plays the vital role in libido, stimulation, erection and ejaculation. Thus chronic fear, jealousy, confusion, intoxication, mental trauma, excitement, anger, worriness etc. are the common physiological causes of erectile dysfunction based on Ayurveda principles.

These negative emotions may distract the nervous system and it is unable to erect penis. In severe cases man can even feel sweating, palpitation etc. just from touch by the partner.

Both types of above factors (physical and physiological) lead to vata imbalances in the reproductive channels, which may cause issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, infertility due to poor sperm count and motility.

Other causes according to Ayurveda include:

  • Drinking excess water
  • Irregular meals
  • Defective seminal tract
  • Weakness from illness
  • Excessive discharge
  • Excessive indulgence in sex        
  • Injured penis

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

The symptoms of this disease include:

  • Persistent trouble of weaker erection
  • Unable to sustain erection
  • Loss of sexual desire

Here are some powerful herbs that you can take to end impotence and bring the zing back into your sex life.

Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris): Gokshura (also goes by the name of Gokhru) is one of the most potent aphrodisiacs in Ayurveda. Gokhru is widely used by men to enhance libido. Its primary function is to increase luteal hormone in men which is the hormone responsible for boosting the production of testosterone. The herb rejuvenates the gonads and enhances the quality of semen.

Kaunch (Mucuna pruriens): Kaunch has always been valued as an aphrodisiac and for stimulating the volume of testosterone, which is responsible for sound sexual health. It also acts as a muscle strengthener by balancing the protein stored in our muscle tissues. Kaunch is excellent for toning the muscles of the male sexual organ and enhancing stamina. This Ayurvedic herb also reduces stress which can have a positive impact on sexual performance.

Shilajit (Asphaltum): Shilajit is the herbo-mineral compound which is found high in the Himalayas. This rare mineral has an equally rare quality in being an overall strengthener, especially for boosting libido and sexual performance. Shilajit also finds a place of pride in India’s classic treatise on sex, the Kama Sutra. It repairs and protects against cell damage, keeping the body and mind active for longer.

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum): Ayurvedic practitioners refer Safed Musli as ‘Divya Aushadh’ which translates to ‘divine medication’ for its curative properties of not only male impotence but enhancing sexual wellness in men. Safed Musli consists of carbohydrates, fiber, alkaloids, saponins and proteins which are essential for hormonal balance and the production of testosterone. Musli is one of the most esteemed herbs of the Ayurvedic concept of Brihana (Nourishment Therapy), which is associated for increasing endurance, improving strength and enhancing physical performance. Brihana treatment is used for male weakness, muscular development, fatigue, oligospermia, bodybuilding, etc.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): Shatavari is a time-tested Ayurvedic remedy for infertility and impotence. Taking this herb on a regular basis can work wonders on the ability to sustain erection and maintain arousal. Shatavari is also a natural way to increase the quantity and quality of sperm. According to Ayurveda, we can attribute Shatavari’s healing powers to its ability to boost Sattva, the positive energies of the mind and health.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha is also called Indian Ginseng for its significant restorative properties. It is an exceptional herb for the nervous system and can greatly reduce the effects of stress. As an aphrodisiac, ashwagandha can stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body. This causes more blood to flow to the genitals as the blood vessels get dilated, and you have increased sexual desire. Take 3-6 gms of Ashwagandha powder and rock candy (mishri) in equal proportions with milk every night.


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